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  • #747927

    Hello Enfold team

    I would like to know if there is a way to reuse block of content. There is a lot of identic content on some of my pages and that would be very usefull if I could manage this content in one place.

    I tried some plugins but it seems that there are no compatible with enfold. Have you got some advices for me guys ? :)

    Thank you in advance,


    Hey Dimitri,

    You can save both page and individual elements as templates, did you try that out? You can also activate debug mode in order to see shortcodes: http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/enable-advanced-layout-builder-debug/. You could copy the shortcodes you need a new place using that method for instance.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Yes, I can save those elements as templates. But the point is, if I use these identic templates in multiple pages, I can’t manage them in one place. I’ll need to edit each single page to change the same thing at multiple time. This is a complete waste of time! That’s why I’m looking for a solution :). I looked your most requested features, and centralized content would save many lives ;).

    That will be awesome for the future! But for the moment, there is no way to do that with plugins? Nobody have a solution?

    Thank you in advance,


    Hi Dimitri,

    Thanks for the feedback. I agree with what you are pointing out, but as of now we don’t have a solution for it unfortunately.

    Best regards,


    Is anyone ever tried this plugin? Is it compatible with all versions of Enfold? It would be nice if a moderator could give me its advice on this. Anyway, thank you mrdonthave ;) Do you have any backoffice demo?


    Hey dimitrilpc,

    some people already have this plugin in use, without pointing me any problems. This “plugin” has no strong dependencies, so it should work with all the latest releases of Enfold. Unfortunately no backend-demo available yet.


    Thank you for all the informations. As it is quite new, I’ll wait to see feedbacks from a lot of people. Maybe my opinion will help you: I’m kind of “suspicious” because I can’t see a clear documentation about this plugin, the website is in german and you don’t have other products on it. Unless I am mistaken, I can’t see any videos or tutorials about it. The forums are empty, etc.

    I’m not reassured. If you make some clear product informations + testimonies, I’ll be very happy to buy your product! :) (And why not sell it directly to Kriesi? I think they need this into Enfold! ;) ). Anyway, I’ll keep an eye on it, I really need this.

    Best regards,

    Edit: Didn’t saw the possibility to change the language, sorry for my mistake ;)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by dimitrilpc.

    Hey Dimitri,

    my site is bilingual: german an english too. Hey! :-) there is no need for tutorials and documenation in my opinion: build content as repeatable and insert them on that pages and posts you need. Thats it. The use case is so clear. :-)

    I think it is a important but no common feature, so it would blow Enfold in some cases. So Kriesi will know, why this is not basicly implemented.

    Yes! Keep your eyes on it! Thank you! :-)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by mrdonthave.


    I finally bought mrdonthave’s plugin and this is my review. It is amazing and I recommend it a lot! I hope this message will help other people in my situation. This plugin is simple, easy to use and fully compatible with Enfold. This plugin solved all my problems and saved me a lot of time. I don’t need to change the same content many times in a lot of pages. Exactly what I expected! If you’re in the same situation that me before this message, don’t hesitate to buy mrdonthave’s plugin. Also, he is very available to respond to all your requests. I hope this review will make him sales a lot this very helpful plugin.



    Why did I not know about this? Thank you for your comments @dimitrilpc and for the link @mrdonthave
    I know this has been mentioned in the Theme suggestions, the one where someone posts a suggestion and people get to vote on it.
    I am sure it would get many more votes if only users knew about it. Where on earth @kriesi is the suggested product feature request link?
    I can’t find it on any of the links above.
    For me, this is one of the biggest drawbacks with Enfold.

    I am just building a site which has “accreditation” images in a slider, all with links to another page. It is at the bottom (like a footer, but not the footer) of EVERY page. The customer just wanted another image on the slider. I have to redo my “template” and replace it on every page manually.

    I shall be taking a look at @mrdonthave plugin.

    Thank you


    Also found this https://codecanyon.net/item/enfold-nested-shortcodes/19305825. Seems to be able to accomplish pretty much the same functionality. Has anyone tested it ?


    Thanks for sharing, but this is a support forum so we will close this. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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