I tried importing the Yelp icon via fontello and the import/export tab under theme options but it keeps saying “Couldn’t add the font because the server didn’t respond”. I’ve tried logging out and back in, re-downloading the file, and clearing my cache but nothing is helping.
Hey sjahan,
Can you give us temporary admin access? so we can inspect the issue further.
Best regards,
Here you go:
I checked it and I see error 500 (internal server error) when inserting the font. Can you try to increase memory limit: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/increasing-the-wordpress-memory-limit/ and see if it helps.
Best regards,
I increased it to 256M and I still get the same error message. These are all of the settings:
allow_url_fopen On
display_errors Off
error_reporting E_ALL
file_uploads On
log_errors On
mail.force_extra_parameters no value
max_execution_time 300
max_input_time -1
memory_limit 256M
open_basedir no value
post_max_size 64M
session.save_path /tmp
short_open_tag On
upload_max_filesize 64M
Can you post what is written on error_log.php? can you also try the solution mentioned in this thread: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/couldnt-add-the-font-because-the-server-didnt-respond/
Best regards,
I just enabled zip archive and the hosting provider does allow zip because it’s Go Daddy and I have used them before for other websites with Enfold. I tried getting the error logs and I couldn’t find anything though. I went to Cpanel–Errors (in the Metrics section)–and the log was empty.
Please ask your hosting provider if they are blocking the admin-ajax.php file. Another user on the same host is having a lot of issues with the site because the host is blocking that file.
// https://kriesi.at/support/topic/enfold-is-causing-intermitten-503-and-502-errors/