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  • #743945

    Hi there !

    I have some problems with the sub menu of Enfold. After an install of the plugin W3 Cache, i enabled and disabled the plugin.
    Since the disable and the uninstall of the plugin, our sub menu doesn’t work.

    After a look at the code, we didn’t understand why. Have you an explanation ?
    We noticed opacity stays to 0. We switched the opacity to 1 on the hover, but the effect wasn’t as expected.
    The behavior isn’t as before.

    Any ideas ?

    Thanks in advance.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by ynov.

    Some news ? Our sub-menu is broken.. :/



    Can you give us temporary admin access to your wordpress dashboard? so we can check the backend also.

    Best regards,


    Hi !

    Yeah, it’s ok now.

    Thanks in advance.



    The submenus of the “Nos Formations” and “Le Campus” are working when I checked the site. Is this fixed? If not, please provide a screenshot of the issue.



    Thanks for the check, but despite it seems working, there’s a little latency on the hover of the menu, the menu take 1s to disapear after the hover of the mouse.



    The delay value is set to 300ms. Maybe, that’s what you’re seeing. If you want to adjust this, you need to modify the js > avia.js, look for the aviaMegamenu function and scroll to line 1062:


    Adjust the delay value.




    Thanks for your answer.
    Despite I tried to change the value, it doesn’t change anything.



    I wanted to check the menus but I got this error when I visited the new site:

    Your connection is not private
    Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages or credit cards). NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID

    Please contact your hosting provider.




    It’s ok now. We fixed the error with the hosting provider.

    Thanks in advance.



    It’s working now but I can’t get passed the .htaccess authentication. Please check if the information above is correct.




    The information are correct. You just need to enter the logs twice for the .htaccess.

    Thanks in advance.



    I thought you’re referring to a mega menu. That’s a standard dropdown and I can’t reproduce the delay. The visibility property is being set to “hidden” as soon as the mouse leave the parent item but there’s a little issue with the opacity. It doesn’t adjust back to zero. You can find the script in the js > avia.js file, look for this code around line 1274:

    currentItem.bind('mouseleave', function()
    						sublist.stop().animate({opacity:0}, function()

    As you can see, the animate function has no duration property. What is this code in the Quick CSS field for?

    .sub-menu {
        opacity: 1 !important;
        display: contents !important;

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for your answer. We tried to fix this issue with the quick css. But as you can see, the behavior is weird.
    And if I disable the quick css the opacity stay to 0.

    As you can see, the animate function has no duration property.

    How I can fix that ? Normally the theme has an animation for the dropdown, no ?




    That declaration is actually invalid. Please remove it. The display property does not accept a “contents” value.


    Normally the theme has an animation for the dropdown, no ?

    Yes, I posted the script that is responsible for the animation. Your css modification prevents it from executing properly.

    Best regards,



    I know Ismael, but when I disable our css modifications, the dropdown doesn’t work.
    It’s why we wrote these modifications. I keep these modifications for the client. But you can try to disable it.




    Alright. I removed the css modification and the sub menu is not displaying. This should not happen. Did you modify any of the theme files? Please upgrade the theme to version 4.0 then post the FTP details here. We would like to check the script file.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael !

    We did the update of the theme.
    But it doesn’t work.

    I shared the FTP details in private.




    The sub menu is working properly if I deactivate all the plugins. We activated it back for now. Please deactivate all plugins then activate them one at a time to find the issue.

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael !

    Thanks you for your help ! I found the bug. I used a plugin which loaded the last version of jquery.
    It’s ok now.


    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by ynov.


    Great! Let us know if you need anything else. :)


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