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  • #736165

    I’ve entered the Purchase Code a number of times and continue to receive this error message:

    Your purchase code appears to be invalid. Please take special care to enter it correctly without accidentally including spaces or other additional characters. Please note, this feature won’t accept your theme’s purchase code. This also can be a temporary issue in our services. In that case please try it again in a few hours.

    I’ve re-tried entering the Purchase Code for 5 days, but still, the theme returns the above error message.

    Can you fix this? Thank you.


    Hey ehibard,

    It may be because you have already used this purchase code earlier ?

    It appears you have created an account with email tat start’s with emily.

    Could you please check that email address in private and let us know if you received any confirmation for new account?

    Best regards,


    Please see private content.



    I’ve entered the Purchase Code a number of times and continue to receive this error message:

    Where exactly are you using the Purchase Code? This code is usually use to register to the forum. Where else do you want it to be used? Like what @Vinay said, the purchase code has been already used in the forum registration. The email is (emilyathibardgroup.com).


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