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  • #733084

    I am using the mega menu option on this website: http://bloemfontein.nl/nw16/
    Only under the menu- item ‘Cataloguswoningen op maat’
    This works fine everywhere, but when you have windows 10 you have an option to open a website in Internet Explorer 11 and then its goes wrong.
    You can see a printscreen here: https://goo.gl/photos/7YGFykoNjtqwYwP36

    What can I do to solve this?
    Thanks, Ariane


    Hey ariane1001,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    I would like to check the page but it doesn’t exist. Please re-create the test page so that we can see the issue.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    That’s because the site is live now: http://bloemfontein.nl/
    Apparently in IE11 is something with the size going wrong.

    I have another question about the same mega-menu. The images I use for the different mega-menu-items are slightly different from size. When I look in the code they seem to be all the same size: natural: 495×400 but automatically resized they are different sizes. What can I do to give them all the same size?

    Thanks in advance,



    Thank you for the info.

    We added a css modification in the Quick CSS field.

    .avia_mega_div .sub-menu li img {
        max-width: 210px;
        height: 165px !important;
        width: 210px;

    Please remove browser cache or hard refresh before checking the page. And regarding the thumbnails, please install the following plugin then go to the Settings > Media panel. Look for the “portfolio” thumbnail and enable the “crop” parameter, save, update then regenerate the thumbnails.

    // https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-image-sizes/

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    When I do that it will look bad on different other sizes because image’s won’t be smaller when the viewport gets smaller…
    What I need is a solution specific for IE11 so the resizing works also in that browser.
    Thanks, Ariane



    Alright. Please adjust the code a bit.

    .avia-msie .avia_mega_div .sub-menu li img {
        max-width: 210px;
        height: 165px !important;
        width: 210px;

    The “avia-msie” class attribute will only exist on IE browsers.


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