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  • #730434
    Pieter van der Poel

    Dear Mister / Madame,

    We are introducing a new global market for WordPress themes.

    We are selecting authors who are willing to boost their profits and promote their themes on the new market place. Having looked at your portfolio, we are impressed with what we have seen. We would be very grateful if we could offer your products on our website.

    Our website can be viewed at It is still under construction, but the ThemeThrills market will go live in February this year.

    When you sell an item on the ThemeThrills market, the total price is made up of your item price plus a ThemeThrills fee to the buyer. You can promote your products on our website for free.

    Our offer to you:

    – There are no start-up or hidden fees.
    – We offer you 70% net author earning on each sale
    – No exclusivity requirements, this is just another opportunity to sell your portfolio.
    – You will be able to view your product sales and earnings in real-time and we will pay the provision on a monthly basis.
    – SPECIAL PROMOTION: authors who register in January get an ‘early-authors’ earning rate of 75%!

    If you are interested, you can find more information on our website

    Please don’t hesitate to contact if you have any questions or if you are interested in our offer.
    Thank you in advance, I am looking forward to your response,

    Best regards,

    Pieter van der Poel
    Managing Director

    Julius Caesarlaan 92
    2314 BR LEIDEN

    E-mail: (Email address hidden if logged out)


    Hey Pieter!

    Thank you for contacting us!

    We have informed Kriesi.
    We have received similar offers in the past and Kriesi made it clear that he would like to sell our premium WordPress themes exclusively on ThemeForest.
    If interested, he will contact you :)

    Best regards,

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