I’m looking for any option, maybe a plugin, which can help me to integrate an Onsen UI popover, like this one:
I’m not sure if there is an option in the enfold theme itself, but I didn’t find any? This is what I’d like to have:
Best regards
Hey enricobaumgart,
I’m not sure there’s available plugin for that as I can’t find any when searching on google. However, looking at the link you gave you might just need to use the Code block element, then for the javascript you may need to use a child theme (see more here: http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/using-a-child-theme/ ) and for adding the js scripts part you, this article would be helpful http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-properly-add-javascripts-and-styles-in-wordpress/
Best regards,