Hi there. I am working on a page design that uses your Grid Row feature. However, any time I do so, it creates a gray horizontal line below the section, and a large amount of padding after. How do I make it not do this?
You can see the issue on this page – https://www.shamanism.com/programs/dance-deer-ceremony-pacific-cultural-center
Please look in the area between the “journey into your heart” section and the grid of images below (tribal drumming, indigenous ceremony, etc).
Screenshot: https://shamanism.box.com/s/g2xwxos4dalsfhfspxq49mp1lyvj4p13
Hey nicosec,
It seems like the section with this text TOGETHER, WE WILL CREATE A NIGHT OF: is a color section, kindly edit it and find Section Top Border Styling and set it to No border styling. That should remove the line :)
Best regards,