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  • #722342

    Hey guys,

    I am having an issue with my custom.css
    I am working on a website but suddenly the script for mobile Landscape and Portrait ist working anymore.

    I dont know how this comes or maybe i have overseen something but i couldnt find it.

    Can someone help me out? I need to make the slider responsive on mobile. As you can see its not responsive at all.


    Hey Angelo,

    The slider looks responsive to me on tablet sizes when I check it in Chrome, could you try to explain a bit further or post a screenshot of the issue please?

    Best regards,


    Yes correctly. I was working on it this weekend and it workshop again!

    I found a bug. I did for got a } some where



    Ok great, it can be easy to miss those sometimes :-)

    Let us know if you should need any further help or if we can close the topic.

    Best regards,

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