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  • #720045


    we are using the Enfold theme. However we are also using some other plugins that are have incompatible layout with enfold.
    Our goal is to modify PaiMembershipPro to make it layout compatible with enfold.

    My question is are they any documentation or tutorial on how modify/create plugins that are enfold compatible?

    We did some reverse engineering based on the existing layout displayed, but it wan’t all that clear what the tag mean and how to combine them.


    Hey vad1mo!

    We are sorry but there is not something like that ready.
    The easiest case scenario would be to use a page with a full width option, no sidebars and just CSS style the PaidMembership PRO to be compatible.

    Do let us know if we can do anything else



    How pitty,

    maybe you can explain me some inputs based on this example

    <form action="" method="post"
          class="avia_ajax_form av-form-labels-visible   avia-builder-el-5  el_after_av_textblock  avia-builder-el-last  "
          data-avia-form-id="1" data-avia-redirect="">
            <h3>Send us mail</h3>
            <p class=" first_form  form_element form_fullwidth" id="element_avia_1_1">
                <label for="avia_1_1">Name<abbr class="required" title="required">*</abbr></label>
                <input name="avia_1_1" class="text_input is_empty" type="text" id="avia_1_1" value="">
            <p class=" first_form  form_element form_fullwidth" id="element_avia_2_1"><label for="avia_2_1">E-Mail <abbr
                    class="required" title="required">*</abbr></label> <input name="avia_2_1" class="text_input is_email"
                                                                              type="text" id="avia_2_1" value=""></p>
            <p class=" first_form  form_element form_fullwidth" id="element_avia_3_1"><label for="avia_3_1">Subject <abbr
                    class="required" title="required">*</abbr></label> <input name="avia_3_1" class="text_input is_empty"
                                                                              type="text" id="avia_3_1" value=""></p>
            <p class=" first_form  form_element form_fullwidth av-last-visible-form-element" id="element_avia_4_1">
                <label for="avia_4_1" class="textare_label hidden textare_label_avia_4_1">Message
                <abbr class="required" title="required">*</abbr></label>
                <textarea name="avia_4_1" class="text_area is_empty" cols="40" rows="7" id="avia_4_1"></textarea>
            <p class="hidden">
                <input type="text" name="avia_5_1" class="hidden " id="avia_5_1" value="">
            <p class="form_element "><input type="hidden" value="1" name="avia_generated_form1">
                <input type="submit" value="Submit" class="button" data-sending-label="Sending">

    I would like to create a custom form in Enfold style. I create an login field that looks exactly like enfold but because of some ajax magic I couldn’t submit it.
    Can you provide me an clean example of the form above that I could your in my page.



    Can you please create a temporary admin login and post it here privately? Also, please point out the test page you are working on.

    Best regards,

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