Hi, I read through some older posts on removing the smooth scrolling feature to resolve an issue with a third party plugin. It worked on the intended page, but I need the smooth scroll feature to work on the homepage. Is there a way to target a page and disable the smooth scroll without impacting other pages? You can see the home page here:
This is what I disabled in avia.js
//smooth scrooling
//$(‘a[href*=”#”]’, container).avia_smoothscroll(container);
Many thanks in advance!
Hey ignrod,
Try removing the comment on the code you have commented in avia.js and replace this code:
$('a[href*="#"]', container).avia_smoothscroll(container);
to this one:
$('a[href*="#"]', 'body.home').avia_smoothscroll('body.home');
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Hey Nikko – thanks so much for this. It did work. Now, if I wanted to do the reverse and disable smooth scroll on one page only, what would you suggest. I appreciate your help!
You can change the body.home with the class of the page, if you do a view source of the page, you can see the page ID of the speicific page as class on the
Let us know if that works out for you