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  • #717954

    I am using a plugin that has been working before but after I updated the plugin and or installed the child theme the Mappress is not working- it can not locate the address on the map.
    The plugin creator say” that II have to deactivate the API loading in my theme. – A theme or plugin on the site is including the API multiple times”
    I have deactivated all plugins and no difference so do you have any suggestions?



    Hey Charlotte :)

    Pleasse go to Enfold theme options > Google Services and remove API key and check if that helps.



    Thanks for your quick reply Yigit but I haven´t added any API key in the Google Services field.

    I have only added an API key in the settings for the plugin.




    Can you try install a plugin called ” Clean Transients ” and try clean everything and let us know if it will work after?



    Hi Basil,

    I have done that now but the Mappress plugin is still not working… What to do now?

    There are currently 21 transients (38 records) in the database. 1 transient has expired.
    Clear Expired Transients
    4 expired transient records were cleared on Tuesday, 29th November 2016 at 07:46.


    If you want to have a look I have added a admin login


    The Mapress plugin was working before I installed the child theme.



    Can you please try removing API key from plugin and inserting it in Enfold theme options and check if that makes any difference?
    I am not familiar with the plugin you are using. Can you please elaborate on the exact issue and how we can reproduce it?
    Also, could plugin author provide more insight on what could be causing the issue?

    Best regards,


    Hello Yigit,

    I have tried that now but then the plugin ask for the API key…

    The plugin creator asked me to disable all plugins and change to Enfold ordinary theme which I did but that did not help either.
    I updated the plugin and at the same time I change to the child theme but I still can´t figure out what has created the problem.
    When I enter an adress the plugin does not find it on the map, or just reloads the page so the maps fields are not open anymore.

    The plugin creator just asked me to disable the plugins and change back to ordinary enfold theme

    So strange, because I created over hundreds maps before on this website with the plugin and no problem…

    Mapress error



    Can you please try switching to one of the default themes and check if that helps? If it does, issue must be related to plugin and not the theme :)

    Best regards,


    Hello again,

    I have tried that now but still error…not the same because now the map shows my current location..

    So it can’t be the child them :) still frustrating though…



    In that case i am afraid plugin author needs to look into the issue :/



    Ok, thanks anyway..



    You are welcome! Let us know if there is anything else we can do to help!


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