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  • #717459

    maybe someone can help me :-(
    I try to disable the admin bar for any logged in users, but all I found seems only to have an effect for admins:
    “show_admin_bar( false );”
    This really confuses me!
    Has someone of you a suggestion?

    Many Tanks!


    Hi Jan!

    Please remember that we offer assistance for our theme, not for general WordPress issues.
    In any case, add to your functions.php file

    add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false');

    and let us know if we can do anything else.

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,

    you are totally right! and I apologize. But for now the kriesi support team was the best address for me. So I tried it this time with a question which is out of scope, because I did not have a guess what to do….

    The proposal you posted above does not have the wanted effect. When a “customer” is logged in, the admin bar is still there….
    also when I deactivate the tick “show toolbar” for a specific user it does not disappear.
    I will try to find another solution.

    Thanks again!


    …. got it!
    It was a plugin called “Maintenance”! Unbelievable !!
    Of cause this is not from :-)

    Have a nice day!



    Glad that this is fixed :)

    Best regards,

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