Tagged: Lazy Load, Masonry Gallery
I’ve searched throughout the forum and the only closest thing to disabling lazy load was found here: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/masonry-gallery-appearance/ On my site (see hidden content), the images only start appearing after you scroll down the page. Is this a lazy load problem? Granted I have about 100 images (at about 200kb each) to load on 1 page, I know it’s going to take some time. However, the “lazy load” gives the illusion that the page is completely blank. How can I disable this so my images appear as soon as they are loaded? Thanks!
Nevermind, I think I’ve found the solution here: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/display-masonry-gallery-without-any-delay/
We are happy you could solve it.
Feel free to let us know kif we can do anything else for you.
Best regards,