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  • #716059

    Thank you for making the theme Enfold, it totally rocks!
    I am having a few troubles with the responsive version tough.

    1. Landing page:
    – When seen on a mobile phone the landing page looks super strange. Some Images are cut randomly instead of being scaled. How can I improve that?
    – There are also some really huge white spaces that totally make sense on a huge screen, but not on a mobile.
    Can I adapt that?

    2. Pages “Yoga in Chur, Yoga in Zürich, Yoga in Mels”:
    These pages have a schedule build on a table.
    When seen on a mobile phone these schedules are cut randomly instead of beeing scaled properly.

    3. Font on the Navigation:
    The font on the navigation is bold. How can I make it regular?

    Thank you very much in advance for your support.
    – Carolina


    Hey Carolina,

    please use different tickets for your different questions and let’s focus here on question 1.:

    At first follow this:
    Then you can use a code like this for mobile:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .your-custom-class {
    background-size: 134% 100% !important;
    background-position: -49px 0px !important;

    and adjust as needed.

    Best regards,

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