November 13, 2016 at 3:22 am #711524
I have enfold Version: 3.7.1 and I see that there is now enfold Version 3.8 (I believe this is not a beta version but a new release of the update to the theme).
I have installed an Enfold Child Theme, which is the active theme.
I would like to know how to update the Enfold Theme from 3.7.1 to 3.8, since I don’t want to make it the active theme? How do I update the main (parent) theme?November 13, 2016 at 9:27 am #711573Hey AvenueQ,
It should appear automatically if you go to Enfold->Theme Update. If that is not the case then you could try the following plugin in order to clear WordPress transients: https://wordpress.org/plugins/artiss-transient-cleaner/
Best regards,
RikardNovember 14, 2016 at 2:20 am #711730Hi Rikard,
First of all on the transient cleaner it was last updated about 7 months ago and not current to the latest wordpress version 4.7.1
Also, I went to this page of the settings for my themeforest enfold account and I see two other API’s But not the API for ENFOLD!
When I go to upgrade page in theme:
Update your Theme from the WordPress Dashboard
If you want to get update notifications for your themes and if you want to be able to update your theme from your WordPress backend you need to enter your Themeforest account name as well as your Themeforest Secret API Key below:
I know my account name but I can’t find the API key as I mentioned above.
Please help me so I can upgrade the parent theme for enfold!
AuenueQNovember 15, 2016 at 12:41 am #712240Hi,
You can generate a new one for Enfold and paste that API key in Enfold theme options and then try the plugin. There are many users using it, so you can ignore the last update date :)
Unfortunately not all Server environments are able to make use of the auto update feature provided by ThemeForest. In that case, please update the theme manually via FTP – kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/updating-your-theme-files/
Best regards,
YigitNovember 16, 2016 at 12:17 am #712675Hello
My server environment is very robust – it is wpengine.
Right now on my dashboard in Word Press there is only showing the Enfold Child since this is active. Do I not want to activate the “parent’ since I am using Enfold Child (active). It is my understanding that I need to update Enfold (parent not Enfold Child) is that correct. How do I do it from the wordpress dashboard.
I would send you a picture of what shows in theme if I could upload a PDF?
ThanksNovember 16, 2016 at 6:53 am #712771Hi,
Yes, you should update the parent, not the child. If you are not able to update the theme via FTP then you could try to download the latest version from Themeforest and upload it via the WordPress backend, once it’s installed you can delete the old parent.
Best regards,
RikardNovember 16, 2016 at 8:37 pm #713185Hi Rikard,
Ok, so the procedure is to
1. either update current parent (which is inactive) or download the latest version (I guess you can update the parent which is in the themes even though it is not active right?
2. delete old parent.
Thanks,November 16, 2016 at 10:01 pm #713212Hi!
Please refer to this post – http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/updating-your-theme-files/ and insert username and API key in Enfold child theme options. You should receive the update after a while.
If you would like us to update the theme for you, please post FTP logins and WP admin logins here privately and upload enfold.zip folder (fresh one that you download from ThemeForest) somewhere on your server and tell us where.
YigitDecember 13, 2016 at 9:09 am #723604Hi Again,
I don’t see the latest download my latest parent is 3.8 version and you have an update to the theme.When I sign-in I see this:Enfold – Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme
Then a drop-down next to download which has some options.
Such as
All files..
Install able word press files only
BUT I don’t see just download the update to ENFOLD
ThanksDecember 14, 2016 at 6:33 am #724117 -
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