Please help,
the error message “Error fetching content – please reload the page and try again” happens when I try to choose an image from any page.
I have installed only one plug-in , the WPML Multilingual CMS. I’ve decativated the plug in , but the rror still exists, so I activeated again.
Best regards
Hey spapax,
Sorry for the problems, you are getting a 500 internal server error on a WordPress file when I inspect the edit page:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
Please try updating the theme to the latest version (3.8) to see if that helps:
If not then I would try contacting your hosting provider to see if they know why you are getting that error.
Best regards,
I’ve updated the theme using the lates version and FTP and the problem solved!
Thanks alot!