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  • #697568

    Default I don’t use side bars on the website, but on my blog page I would like to have a right Sidebar. Either as Single Author Small or Single Author Big.
    (You also have a right sidebar on the Enfold demos, e.g. )

    On the blog page I have changed Sidebar Settings from Default to Right Sidebar and Sidebar Blog. But the blog page still doesn’t change to include a right sidebar.

    What should I do differently?


    Oh, I found a solution. I found Enfold -> Sidebar Settings, which seems to overrule, what I choose on the blog page itself in the right sidebar under Sidebar Settings.



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Oh, I found a solution. I found Enfold -> Sidebar Settings, which seems to overrule, what I choose on the blog page itself in the right sidebar under Sidebar Settings.

    Yes, that is correct. Glad that you found the settings. :)


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