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  • #697124

    Dear Kriesi team,
    is there a simple way, how to add title descriptions for images also under image displayed in lightbox. They are defined in gallery under thumbnails and displaying in bubbles on mouse over in gallery, but not in the lightbox, That is strange.

    Thank you Jiri


    Hi Jiri,

    Could you post a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?



    Hi all,
    the screenshot here.

    The goal:
    The titles of images are displayed on mouse over in the grid, thats perfect!. I need to display them also under enlarged picture in the lightbox.
    Something like here: http://www.arc.cz/web_cz/gal-architektura/2015_devinska_nova_ves_waldorfska_skola/index.html#img=20150330_175241.jpg

    It would be nice to display images in one column with titles under on mobile view.
    It would be better to change on mouse over blending effect to something else, f.eg. the border.

    Current situation:
    Lightbox stoped working at all :-( It is opening nothing.
    I have checked: Use Lighbox YES in the settings.

    May be I have to install another lightbox?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by norbou.


    Thank you for the info. The lightbox is not working properly because of an error in the js > avia.js file. It’s probably caused by those plugins. Are you sure that you really need 34 plugins to run the site? Please disable all plugins then test the lightbox again. If it is working, activate the plugins one at a time to find the culprit.

    Best regards,


    Well done, I found the conflicting plugin, I dont neet it, no problem. Lightbox works now again, but there is no good title under enlarged image… Who know how to change it? And other goals? How to make gallery more responsive?



    You can add a caption to the images, from the Media Gallery and edit each image.
    Please do let us know if we can do anything else for you

    Best regards,


    Hei! Sure, I did it and it works in gallery grid view, but not in the Lightbox. The Lightbox displays only title of portfolio item. That`s the problem.



    Could you please provide a screenshot of the issue? The lightbox script will fetch the title of the image or anchor link.

    Best regards,

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