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  • #696207


    I’d like to replace the entypo rollover icon with an uploaded image. I know that I can change the entypo code if I want a different icon but what if I want to use a logo image instead? How would I go about doing that?



    Hey connect4consulting,

    If you like to get a jumpstart try this on your own

    Right click and inspect the icon you will see some class names like “social_bookmarks_linkedin” expand the html tag and click on :before

    Then on the right side of the inspect window you will see some css like

    .social_bookmarks_linkedin [data-av_icon]:before{
    css properties

    Remove content:\unicode and add background:image.jpg in the above code and add it to child theme styles or in quick css

    If you have any issue Would you mind providing a precise link to your site, showing the elements in question? We need to be able to inspect them in order to help :)

    Best regards,



    Okay – site info is in private content. Thanks.


    I figured this out – thanks!

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