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  • #694387

    After I install and activate the Yoast SEO plugin and I try to edit my home page, I get a blank page. I have to disable Yoast SEO to be able to edit again.

    I can however edit other pages and posts. This condition seems to be happening only on the home page.

    I have disabled the Yoast SEO plugin for the time being. I have sent a login to you so that you can activate the plugin and see what I mean.

    I will send this to Yoast SEO as well, but as this is the free plugin I do not believe they will respond.

    Thank you.



    I deleted the home page permanently and rebuilt it. Seems to be ok now.



    Glad to hear it seems okay now. Let us know if there is anything else you need assistance with.

    Best regards,

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