Tagged: thumbnails
The site is: http://www.moobuzz.net/ and we want bigger thumbnails in the footer.
WordPress setting is 80×80
The CSS is working great but the images are still 36px and are just being stretched to 48px so they look fuzzy. Could you please tell me what I’m missing?
I followed other forum posts and added this to my child theme’s functions.php and ran regenerate thumbnails.
Here it is functions.php in it’s entirety:
* Add your own functions here. You can also copy some of the theme functions into this file.
* WordPress will use those functions instead of the original functions then.
/* make thumbnails bigger */
function my_image_size()
global $avia_config;
$avia_config['imgSize']['widget'] = array('width'=>48, 'height'=>48);
add_action('init', 'my_image_size', 1);
wordpress version is up to date 4.6.1, Enfold version is 3.7.1
Hi Deb!
Thank you for using Enfold.
Install the following plugin then go to the Settings > Media panel. Adjust the size of the widget thumbnail, update, save then regenerate the images. https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-image-sizes/
Best regards,
That worked quite nicely, thank you!
Is the functions.php code still needed?
Great – thanks for getting back to me.
** Resolved ***