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  • #685275

    I have two question:
    1) I want to change the width of the columns of the footer;
    2) I want to add my social icon in the footer widget. I tried to add this code in the CSS enfold options

    #footer .social_bookmarks li {
    clear: none !important;
    border: 0 !important;

    and this in the text of widget but the instagram icon doesn’t appear. Why?

    <ul class=”noLightbox social_bookmarks icon_count_6″><li class=”social_bookmarks_facebook av-social-link-facebook social_icon_1″><span class=”avia_hidden_link_text”>Facebook</span><li class=”social_bookmarks_twitter av-social-link-twitter social_icon_2″><span class=”avia_hidden_link_text”>Twitter</span><li class=”social_bookmarks_instagram av-social-link-instagram social_icon_3″><span class=”avia_hidden_link_text”>Instagram</span>


    Hi neonlights79,

    1. How do you want to change them, please try to explain a bit further.

    2. I can see the instagram icon fine on my end, please try clearing your browser cache and reload a few times.



    Hi Rikard,
    for the 2nd point I solved.
    For the first point I notice that maybe the second column is larger then others because if you see my footer you’ll notice that the third column is too at right.




    1. As far as I can see they are of equal width in the code, but when adding different content to them they can appear to be differently sized.

    Best regards,

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