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  • #682785

    I’m working on a site in which I’ve selected “Logo Left, Menu Below” as my Menu and logo position. I’m using the latest version of Enfold on WordPress 4.6. I was using a child theme, but switched to Enfold to remove my customizations from the equation. I also disabled all plugins, just in case.

    When I have “Logo Left, Menu Below” selected, dropdown navigation items on the primary navigation do not appear. After some troubleshooting I narrowed it down to the following rule in grid.css

    #wrap_all {
    /* … */
    overflow: hidden;

    if I turn off that overflow:hidden, all is well. I’m just concerned about how doing so will affect my site in the future. Has anyone else run into this?


    Hi breich,

    Could you post a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?


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