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  • #674132

    Hi guys,

    I have always wondered about this and because I have a current example of my question I thought to ask you:

    When you use a lightbox image with a link to the full image, the cutout (image shown on the website) is always being taken of the center part of the original image. Mostly horizontally that is full width and vertically that is the mid section of the image. Attached I show an example of the image on the website and the full image when enlarged through lightbox.

    In this case there is an image of a statue and it ‘looses’ its head in this way. Often you have pictures of (a group of) people and they also ‘loose’ their head(s). That looks awfull.

    My question: is there a way to (vertically) align a (lightbox) image in such a way that you can choose which part of the original image you present on the website?

    I am curious to find out…

    Thanks & regards,



    Do the following:
    1. Install this plugin:
    2. Go to Settings > Media
    3. Change the entry_with_sidebar image size (increase its height).
    4. Regenerate the thumbnails by clicking the button at the bottom.



    Hey Josue,

    I tried the plugin you mentioned. As far as I found out, what you do is regenerate thumbs with fixed settings for all images that you regenerate thumbs for. That didn’t seem handy since some images look better if your thumb shows the top part of the full image, others the bottom part and so on.

    When looking for this plugin, I stumbled upon another plugin which gives the option to manually generate new thumbs per image and even per purpose (featured, entry_with_sidebar, et cetera): Might be a good tip for other people wanting to do the same.

    Thanks for your help anyway. Because of your suggestion I knew what I was looking for! Please mark this topic as solved.



    You are welcome, glad to help :)


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