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  • #662167

    I am trying to add a Map on my page but the module of Google Map it doesnt work.

    Could you help me? Thanks.


    Hi hector1069!

    Please refer to this post – https://kriesi.at/support/topic/solution-to-google-maps-key-issues/

    Best regards,


    I have done it, but it does not work. Maybe becasue I do with a Child Theme.
    the point is that when I added the code to funphions.php the adminstrator stops working.

    I have left the file in the FTP if you want to check it.



    @hector1069 simply use my solution that has proven to work: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/google-maps-7/#post-656457


    I have tried also this change and it is not working…Help!!!


    @hector1069 I can’t see a map on your site. Please add the map and post a link to that page.

    Follow the instructions in my posting and read ahead through the solutions I have provided in the following threads:

    And from all the props I got you can see it is working.



    I have following all the steps that you describe in your posts, but still it does not work.


    @hector1069something is wrong with your enfold installation. I see the 3.6.1 version tag in the source but your avia.js file is an old one. Maybe you have modified it earlier and overload it in the child theme.


    @mensmaximus, I have updted all enfold theme, but the problem still going…

    Maybe I am doing something wrong with the child theme, but I do not know what?


    @hector1069 looking into the developer console of a browser you can see you have multiple jquery issues. This is not the google maps issue discussed in this and the other threads. If you are not able to debug this yourself you need to hire an external expert. Maybe kriesis support team can assist.


    If someone of Kriesi team could help me I would so please, even more because now the images are not painted…




    There’s a syntax error in shortcodes.j, line 458. The src key has been duplicated but it is fixed now. However, the google API issue is still there. Please follow the instructions provided here: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/content-element-google-maps/#post-656399

    UPDATE: We added this code in the functions.php file and it fixed the api issue:

    function ava_googlemaps_apikey() {
    	$prefix  = is_ssl() ? "https" : "http";
    	wp_register_script( 'avia-google-maps-api', $prefix.'://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyCika0TIXFpp42smsBzlrZTkxRfeCEEGzQ', array('jquery'), '3', true);
    add_action('init', 'ava_googlemaps_apikey');

    Please remove browser cache or hard refresh the page.

    Best regards,

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