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  • #660366

    Hi all,

    I’ve been looking into this, but am not sure where to look really.
    Especially as Enfold does some things of it’s own regarding Woocommerce. Like the cart update buttons.
    And I cannot simply hide the weight text with css, as the whole price panel goes away if I do.

    The problem is that the total weight in the cart is calculated ‘kind of ‘correctly, so the problem is:
    a. The weight is set to kg in the text, so grams become kg.
    b. Or the math behind the calculation is flawed
    c. The code is not placing a decimal value where it should.

    e.g. I order 10 pc. of item A, weighing 500gr. This should show up as 5kg, or 5000gr.
    In the cart atm it is stated as 5000kg.

    You can understand that this is annoying, and confusing to customers.
    Luckily delivery of the order is always at a fixed price, so weight isn’t added to the delivery costs.

    If anyone can tell me where to look, or add some Woocommerce code to fix this…




    Hi RobWu!

    Please refer to this post – https://kriesi.at/support/topic/woocommerce-2-6-problem-urgent/#post-650161



    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks for the fast reply, but I don’t see what this has to do with the cart total weight calculation.
    That post has to do with the update buttons on the cart page, something that has bitten me as well, and is luckily working with that patched piece of code.

    But I cannot find where Woocommerce, or the theme, sets the total weight. The total amount is correct, but in the wrong values.
    kg should be grams.

    Unless this something that is -also- caused by a botched 3.6 release?


    edit: Never mind, found out the culprit. Booster was overriding this. Sorry for the noise, but still like to see an update on the cart ‘bug’ soon.
    My client is getting annoyed ;-)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by RobWu.

    Hi Rob,

    Ok great, glad you found the problem. We’ll keep the thread open in case you should have any further problems on the topic.


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