Hi there, I am attempting to add a full width slider video background. I am using the code below, however the video is not auto playing?
I am using the following code which has been modified slightly, this was sourced from this support forum:
<div class=”fullwidth-video”>
<iframe width=”1280″ height=”720″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/qNYs_wE1_os?modestbranding=1&autoplay=1&controls=0&fs=0&iv_load_policy=3&loop=1&rel=0&showinfo=0&autohide=0&disablekb=1″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>
I wish to create a heading which closely resembles this fantastic website:
Many thanks in advance!
Hi csmwebdesign!
Please add Color Section element to the top of your page and choose to display background video on it :)
Thanks Yigit unfortunately the content underneath the video is appearing on top? You can see from the screenshots linked in private content that the Parallax is also displaying incorrectly, I do have another open ticket regarding this. Can you offer any further advice? Thank you.
I am getting following error (in private content field). Can you please upload your screenshots on imgur.com or Dropbox public folder and post the links here?
Best regards,
That’s great, thanks.