My site has an iframe to a Booking.com URL eg: http://www.booking.com/searchresults.html?district=2281
see screenshot http://ctrlv.in/778120
This which works fine on desktop however booking.com provide a different mobile layout for phones etc
see http://m.booking.com/searchresults.html?district=2281
see screenshot at http://ctrlv.in/778123
I don’t want to just offer a responsive version of the desktop layout to users on mobile but I want to give them the link to the mobile version provided by Booking.com
My question is how do I offer both choices within the iFrame whereby the correct one is served depending on the device – Probably a basic question, so apologies in advance.
Hey Tia,
The mobile version of the site starts with “m.” which can be shared to be viewed on mobile devices or create your own domain that starts with m.domain.com and re-direct the users to http://m.booking.com/searchresults.html?district=2281
Let us know if you have any questions.
Best regards,