I have this shortcode for contact form
[av_contact (Email address hidden if logged out) ' button='INVIA RICHIESTA' title='' sent='Richiesta inviata' subject='MyBirmans' autorespond='Grazie per la tua richiesta.' captcha='active']
[av_contact_field label='Nome' type='text' options='' check='is_empty' width='']
[av_contact_field label='Cognome' type='text' options='' check='is_empty' width='']
[av_contact_field label='E-Mail' type='text' options='' check='is_email' width='']
[av_contact_field label='Telefono' type='text' options='' check='is_phone' width='']
[av_contact_field label='Messaggio' type='textarea' options='' check='is_empty' width='']
How can hide label input over field and have it into field like this http://www.sacrobirmania.net/richiesta-informazioni/
Hey unicaweb,
Please recreate your contact form element and choose to hide labels
You can enable debugging mode to see shortcodes you have created in pages using Advanced Layout Builder – http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/enable-advanced-layout-builder-debug/
Or, You can switch to Default Editor and click on Magic Wand to see full list of shortcodes http://i.imgur.com/n4KXkdm.jpg
then you can create any of them and copy/paste shortcode into any other content element or into text widget.
Best regards,