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  • #650482

    Hello! I cannot get gallery thumbnails to move close together. Always have large gap around them no matter what size or column I choose. Please do not ask for link. This is on a localhost server.

    In your demo there are several examples of WordPress galleries with thumbnails all tight, close together. How can this be done? Thanks



    Hey Mike,

    If you see it in the demo then you can achieve something similar by changing the options in the gallery. We need to be able to view your site to give you accurate information please share the link to the page where we can see the issue. The screenshots you added are not publicly viewable please upload to dropbox or make it public so all the mods have access to it. You can share the link in private content so only mods can see the screenshot if you don’t want it to be in public domain.

    Best regards,


    oops, made screenshots public.


    Can you tell me the exact settings for Bigger Gallery with Preview at bottom of this page:

    I am using Enfold 3.5.1 with Avia layout builder

    Thank you



    The demo link go to overview page and not the exact gallery page. You need to close the iframe to get the exact demo link. However i was able to view the gallery in screenshot. Please click on the gallery to access the gallery options and increase the number of images in the “Gallery Columns” to see if that will close the gap. Even while using 2 images it should close the gap

    Please enable debug mode and paste the below code in the debug text area and save the page then click on advanced layout builder and confirm that the gallery element is showing and add images and save the page again before you preview the gallery.

    [av_gallery ids='316,315,314,313,2978,2979' style='big_thumb' preview_size='medium' crop_big_preview_thumbnail='avia-gallery-big-no-crop-thumb' thumb_size='portfolio' columns='2' imagelink='lightbox' lazyload='avia_lazyload']

    Let us know if this helps. if you still have any issues please share the link to your site.

    Best regards,

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