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  • #645141

    Hi sir.
    I put Easy Slider, five picture inside, and choose “No Scaling (Original Width x Original Height).
    All my images are 600px width x different heights, but when I go to page, these images will shown all at maximum width.
    It seems Easy Slider does not “respect” dimensions I specified in option.
    I tried to move Easy Slider inside “Column” but the problems persists.
    That is terrible… very artefact and annoying that it is not to quick visible how to change.
    May you please help me?
    Thank you. In private link.


    No answers yet?
    In the meanwhile, I tried to go to “Edit Column” and reduced it to 1/2.
    But, again, when I put Easy Slider inside, with option “No Scaling (Original Width….)”, the pictures are stretched to occupy all width at their disposal, no matter to original pictrure dimensions.
    This is the main reason I would like to abandon Enfold and ask refund.
    If I’m wrong in some way, I would like to know.
    Thank you for your assistance. I hope in no further 24 hours.



    Noscaling will not affect the slider height it only try to fit the image inside the container without scaling.

    I suggest use the below css adjust the max-height and min height to be same to suit your design and use scale to fit option.

    Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child themes style.css file:

    .page-id-71 .avia-slideshow {
        max-height: 230px;
        minx-height: 230px;

    Best regards,


    And what about width? The width is the problem in my question.
    Thank you.


    No answer?
    You can say: Dear Roberto, we don’t have a solution.
    And I will save my time making something different to come here to check your answers.



    Note that the images inside the slider will inherit the width of the parent container, in this case, the column element. If you want to show the actual width of the image, set the width property to auto:

    .avia-slideshow li img {
        width: auto;

    Default value of the width property is 100%.

    Best regards,


    I will pray in order you will leave more than hundred years! It works!
    Thank you….. I resolved…. and in the meanwhile I grew a 16 centimeters beard….. THANK YOU Ismael.




    Hehe thanks and glad you got it working, Ismael is a genius :-)

    Best regards,


    Ismael for president!
    You are genius too!



    I would say so too but the spot just got taken by someone else in Ismaels home country, but I hope he will get it in the next election! :D

    Best regards,

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