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  • #644272

    Hi, I’ve just installed Enfold to change my WP theme.
    The preview is blank and, consequently, when Enfold is activated the server returns ERROR 500.
    I’ve already tried to deactivate/activate every plugin.
    I’ve tried also to change function.php as written here.
    Could you please help me?

    Thanks for your support.


    Hi pelty!

    Thank you for reaching out to us. I believe some files were corrupt hence I have renamed the current enfold folder to enfold2. Please download a fresh copy from themeforest and re-install the theme. Please make sure all 3rd party plugins are de-activated before installing the theme. This should fix the issue for you :)



    Hi Vinay!

    Today I’ve downloaded and installed the last version of Enfold (3.6.1) and deactivated all the 3rd party plugins, but it doesn’ t seem to work. What can I do?
    Thanks for your support


    Hi Licia,

    I have had same problem after update 3.6 … I use Enfold child, and I have header.php in the child theme folder, because I use a Facebook script in header.php. So, I copied again header.php from Enfold folder to Enfold child folder.

    Good bye!



    Thanks for the tip :)

    @Licia I just tried to troubleshoot the issue but did not find the enfold folder in /httpdocs/wp-content/themes could you please upload the latest version of the enfold theme folder to the themes folder so we can further investigate this issue.



    @Vinay Sorry! Yesterday I was trying to solve the problem re-installing the theme, but it doesn’t work.
    Now I’ve just uploaded the latest version of Enfold (3.6.1).
    Could you please check why it doesn’t work?
    Thank you




    The issue is the theme files should be inside enfold folder but it now in enfold/enfold

    Current path : wp-content\themes\enfold\enfold\ all theme files are here

    Correct path : wp-content\themes\enfold\ all the theme files should be here

    Please delete enfold folder and re-upload to : wp-content\themes\

    You should be good to go :)

    UPDATE: Ok files are in correct location now but it is strange why this is still not working for you i suspect it may be an issue with the php version on the server. However I have pushed this ticket to our developer team to take a closer look.

    Please await a reply from them.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Vinay.

    Thanks @Vinay for your support!
    I’m waiting for developers response.



    Should work now, the theme required more memory the instance was allowed to use, i changed that in wp-config.php:

    define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );

    Best regards,


    Thanks @Josue !!!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by pelty.


    Glad we could help!
    Please don’t forget to rate our theme on themeforest, We really appreciate it :)
    To know more about enfold features please check –
    Thank you for using Enfold!

    Best regards,

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