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  • #642515


    Is it possible to add other image sizes to avoid resizing with the server (server scalled image)?

    home page 5 images: 175×175
    Shop page 3 images: 202×202

    currently I have three image sizes
    80×80, 300×300, 1030×1030


    Hey Audiolia,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    The theme generates more than 12 thumbnail sizes and you can find it in the functions.php file. Where do you need the images?

    $avia_config['imgSize']['widget'] 			 	= array('width'=>36,  'height'=>36);						// small preview pics eg sidebar news
    $avia_config['imgSize']['square'] 		 	    = array('width'=>180, 'height'=>180);		                 // small image for blogs
    $avia_config['imgSize']['featured'] 		 	= array('width'=>1500, 'height'=>430 );						// images for fullsize pages and fullsize slider
    $avia_config['imgSize']['featured_large'] 		= array('width'=>1500, 'height'=>630 );						// images for fullsize pages and fullsize slider
    $avia_config['imgSize']['extra_large'] 		 	= array('width'=>1500, 'height'=>1500 , 'crop' => false);	// images for fullscrren slider
    $avia_config['imgSize']['portfolio'] 		 	= array('width'=>495, 'height'=>400 );						// images for portfolio entries (2,3 column)
    $avia_config['imgSize']['portfolio_small'] 		= array('width'=>260, 'height'=>185 );						// images for portfolio 4 columns
    $avia_config['imgSize']['gallery'] 		 		= array('width'=>845, 'height'=>684 );						// images for portfolio entries (2,3 column)
    $avia_config['imgSize']['magazine'] 		 	= array('width'=>710, 'height'=>375 );						// images for magazines
    $avia_config['imgSize']['masonry'] 		 		= array('width'=>705, 'height'=>705 , 'crop' => false);		// images for fullscreen masonry
    $avia_config['imgSize']['entry_with_sidebar'] 	= array('width'=>845, 'height'=>321);		            	// big images for blog and page entries
    $avia_config['imgSize']['entry_without_sidebar']= array('width'=>1210, 'height'=>423 );	

    You can install this plugin if you want to add more sizes:

    Best regards,


    OK thanks,

    But how does it work?
    The image is automatically selected in the images available?

    Yet when I open the image of a product of the home page size is 450px

    I would need a 175×175 size for the home page.

    How should I do?

    Here are the sizes that I use for products

    Home page product (5 images): 175×175
    woocommerce page(3 images): 202×202
    Product page: 293×293

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Audiolia.


    Did you use the product grid element? Please provide a link to the home page. You can adjust the product thumbnail size in the Woocommerce > Settings > Products > Display panel.

    Best regards,



    Thank you for your answer

    Yes i use the product grid element.

    Here my images settings in woocommerce

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Audiolia.


    Adjust the width and height values then use the suggested plugin to regenerate the thumbnails.

    Best regards,

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