I’m confused about the styling-behavior of my side when using a child-theme.
I used the “import parent theme settings”- function. It worked well and if I browse through the styling-settings of
parent-theme and the child-theme and compare them I can’t find any differences between them.
Nevertheless my site looks different.
Using the Parent-Theme it looks like I want it.
Switching to the Child-Theme the look of my site changes to an older styling.
See example screenshot in Private Content
Any idea what is causing the child-theme not to use the correct settings ?
Thank you
so, now my confusion is perfect ….. now it works as expected.
Topic can be closed. Thank you
have a look to advanced styling of Enfold Child Theme – sometimes there are a lot of new entries after importing a demo. So mostly it is concerning to font and headings etc.
if you have imported the demofiles to your child-theme than only child-theme is effected.
so a difference between parent and child-theme is wanted – otherwise importing makes no sense.
I think there was a warning before importing demofiles that all settings of the Theme which is actually activated will be lost.
Hi Volli,
Glad to hear it’s working! Please also try checking @Guenni007 suggestion.
Thanks also @Guenni007 for the help :)
Best regards,