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  • #633396


    Similar to others, I have a problem with ALB on Enfold 3.5.4, WordPress 4.5.2.

    I’ve tried disabling all plugins, including WordFence. Have added the functions.php script. Have switched back to a default theme. Have done a fresh install of Enfold by downloading ZIP and uploading via FTP. And i’ve tried all of the other ideas listed on the forum.

    Seems to be happening to a lot of people?

    Can you please have a look for me. Need to fix something on our site urgently.



    Hey Matt!

    Can we try de-activating all active plugins for testing purposes as well?

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    Yes that’s fine.




    We checked if there were any plugin compatibility issue but it turned out the plugins are not causing this problem. There might be some corrupted files, so please delete all theme files completely via FTP, before installing a fresh copy from your themeforest account. Here is a short tutorial on how to install the theme via FTP, in case you are not sure how that works:

    Best regards,


    Hi Vinay,

    As mentioned above, “I have done a fresh install of Enfold by downloading ZIP and uploading via FTP”. The theme i’m using is a fresh copy.

    Do I have to delete the child theme I’ve created as well?


    I have deleted the child theme over FTP, switched back to a default theme, fully deleted the Enfold theme by FTP and reinstalled using a fresh ZIP from ThemeForest. Still no luck.

    This is pressing as I need to make urgent changes to the site.

    Are you able to please investigate further?



    Sometimes Enfold can be distrucbed from server settings.
    Can you please Switching off ModSecurity in the cPanel?

    Let us know if that fixes the issue



    Hi Basilis,

    I’m looking at cPanel here and there is no ModSecurity firewall installed?


    After calling GoDaddy, they confirmed there is no firewall running on the client side.



    We tried to force load jQuery first incase if any functions are called before that but that don’t seem to be the problem. There is a js error showing up in console when i try to create a new page and activate the ALB

    ncaught Error: cannot call methods on sortable prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'toArray'

    It could be related to wordpress core file and also sometimes affected by the .htaccess file on the server. Please backup the .htaccess file and delete it.

    Then login to WP admin Dashboard > Update and re-install wordpress. it won’t affect any data but will only replace the wordpress files.

    Let us know if this helps.



    Hi Vinay,

    Still no luck, unfortunately. Any other ideas?

    I’ve increased the memory limit on config.php, but not on my php.ini. Could it be a memory issue, or do you think it is a corrupt WP file?

    How does the WordPress update from the dashboard work? Does it only overwrite the files that have been modified in that particular release?



    There was a small script at the bottom of htaccess:

    # Wordfence WAF
    <Files “.user.ini”>
    <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
    Require all denied
    <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all

    # END Wordfence WAF


    I have deleted script this and still no good.

    Deleting the htaccess file altogether was returning a 404 error on all pages.


    Hi Vinay,

    I did a manual update of all wp-includes, wp-admin, and all files in the root wp folder.

    Still not working.

    Do you have any other ideas? I really need to sort this out.




    We checked the site again but we got the following errors which means that one of theme files are missing.

    Warning: require(php/inc-autoconfig.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/76/11492576/html/newsite/wordpress/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/avia_framework.php on line 39
    Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'php/inc-autoconfig.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5_3/lib/php') in /home/content/76/11492576/html/newsite/wordpress/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/avia_framework.php on line 39

    Please update the theme manually via FTP. http://kriesi.at/archives/the-complete-guide-to-updating-enfold

    Best regards,


    I’m just in the middle of deleting and updating (again). So that’s probably why you got that error.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by conformgroup.

    Hi Ismael, still not working.

    Things I’ve tried to date:
    Disabled all plugins
    Added the functions.php script.
    Deleted child theme and custom function.php scripts
    Have done a fresh install of Enfold by downloading ZIP and uploading via FTP (twice). Deleted theme files completely
    Have done a fresh install of wp-admin and wp-includes (not wp-content)
    Replaced .htaccess file to default
    Replaced core files in wordpress root dir
    Added define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true); to wp-config.php
    Have switched back to a default theme.
    There are probably more

    JS error in console:
    Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on jquery.js?ver=1.12.3:2
    sortable prior to initialization; attempted to call method ‘toArray’

    Really struggling with this one.

    Any help will be GREATLY appreciated.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by conformgroup.

    Any other ideas guys?



    Set the folder permission of the WP folders to 755. They are set to 705 currently. https://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions#Permission_Scheme_for_WordPress

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    No. Still not working. Changed wordpress folder and all sub directories and files to 755.


    The shared hosting server i’m on is running PHP 5.3. I can upgrade to 5.4.

    Are there known issues between 5.3 and WP 4.5.2/Enfold 3.5.4?


    FINALLY found a solution!

    “I have fixid this spinning issues before you need to try deactivate/Active all your wordpress plugins, after the follow steps:

    Go to this page(template-builder.class.php) located at : /themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/template-builder.class.php goto line 187 or find script

    wp_enqueue_script(‘avia_element_js’ , $this->paths[‘assetsURL’].’js/avia-element-behavior.js’ , array(‘avia_builder_js’), $ver, TRUE );

    Comment this line
    //wp_enqueue_script(‘avia_element_js’ , $this->paths[‘assetsURL’].’js/avia-element-behavior.js’ , array(‘avia_builder_js’), $ver, TRUE );

    And go to wordpress browser refresh your page where you caught error(continues spinning) in dashboard editable page. after refreshing the page it will loads the page without spinning, and again uncomment script line(revert back what changes done) and refresh again then you will load editable page without continues page spinning.”




    I see. It’s possible that the script was cached and that’s why it’s not working. By temporarily disabling it and then enabling it back, the theme is forced to serve the correct version. Thanks for sharing. :)

    Best regards,


    I have the same problem. This is the final solution por Avia Editor only loading and not work when the plugins are active?
    Or Enfold group are thinking about fix this problem in the next update?



    Did the solution above fixed the issue in your installation?



    Hi Guys!

    Found the issue for this error and an update with a bugfix will be released later today



    One off the users on our website (admin) all of a sudden couldn’t access the enfold-builder on pages (posts, portfolio and so on, still worked)
    Found the “wp_enqueue_script(‘avia_element_js’ , $this->paths[‘assetsURL’].’js/avia-element-behavior.js’ , array(‘avia_builder_js’), $ver, TRUE );” solution and it worked for me.
    So a heads up, this can still happen.

    The webpage have:
    Enfold Version: 3.6.1
    WordPress 4.9.4



    Thanks for sharing however you are using a very old version of the theme. Currently the latest version is 4.2.4 – https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/enfold-changelog/.
    Glad it worked though! Please feel free to start a new thread under Enfold sub forum if you have any other questions or issues :)

    Best regards,

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