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  • #629811


    I tried all steps krisi suggested, but unfortunately I still have the problem, that some pictures do not show.
    I just started working on a test page, so there is not much content.
    • A full-screen slider doesn’t show
    • A simple picture is shown.
    • A simple picture in a grid-row doesn’t show.



    Hi im having the same problems. especially with the full width slider.


    its a WP problem!
    And my password doesn’t work anymore either. As soon as I log out I have to get a new password.

    Read this for more infos



    Hi Tina,

    Thanks for getting in touch with us!

    You are using version 3.5.1 of the Enfold theme and the latest version is 3.5.4. Please try to update the theme manually –

    Please ensure you are using the most recent version as well. Start your own topic if you need further assistance and post a link to your site along with login details in the private section.

    Best regards,


    thank you so much! Everything works well, after I’ve updated manually.
    I thought inserting the Theamforest API key for Updates would do …

    one other thing – how can I close the topic?


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Thina.
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