I reached out about this before, but I apologize, I can’t seem to find the previous feed. We use LayerSlider on our website – http://www.syriainstitute.org – (WordPress) and have had one problem after another with formatting. We still can’t get text to align where we want in the text boxes we create. The issues are getting old and are time consuming; do you have any alternative slider suggestions? The last response I received basically just said that LayerSlider should be fine, but it clearly working for us. Any guidance would be very appreciated.
Thank you.
Hey vszybala,
Sorry for the delay, There are many alternatives but Layerslider is one of the most powerful I’m sorry to hear that this is not serving you the purpose. May be this video will help you out a bit to setup the slider the way you like it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB3Xyc_QDRM
There are many other slider which you can give it a try here https://wordpress.org/plugins/search.php?q=easy+slider
Best regards,