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  • #626368

    Hi, I have just changed my domain name to www.

    Everything seems fine except the logo on the header has been stretched to about 3 times its width.

    any ideas why?



    Hi rgbozeat,

    The original looks very stretched as well, please see link in private.

    Best regards,


    Thanks. That is very odd. This logo has been fine for 2 years and only became stretched when I changed to www. But i will go back and check/change the original. Thanks for noticing this. I you don’t here from me again thanks for sorting it out!

    all the best



    nope. I uploaded an image for the logo which is most definitely square. reloaded the home page and there it was nice and square. But move to another page and it got stretched. I downloaded the image from screen as you did and it came out stretched. But I promise you it was square when I uploaded it. Any Ideas?




    solved it. the logo was too large (300×300) made it 150 square and it stay the same now!




    Hi Rupert,

    Great, glad you got it sorted :-)


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