How can I use this background color? But only one page?
I tried this code but doesnt work.
.page-id-303 .html_stretched #wrap_all{
background-color: #c62f2f !important;
Please help me!
Thank you
Hey jambrikp,
Background color for the whole page can be applied only if you are using a boxed layout. It appears you are using stretched layout. Please go to Enfold > General Layout and change to boxed layout.
Then use the below css to change the background color for only one page.
replace the page id with the html id as seen in the below code.
html.html_boxed.html_entry_id_303 {
background: #C34242!important;
Best regards,
Its a special issuu please check my image and live preview.
I have streched layout and I use TOP 40px on a background element. So I have a 40px black color gap what I should recolor to red from black.
Best regards
Your live preview link redirects me to link in private content field. If we need temporary logins to avoid that, please post them here privately.
Best regards,
Sorry for the late answer. Below the login details.
Thank you
Best regards,
Thank you for sharing the mockup, I have added the below CSS code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling. To target specific pages you can use the html_entry_id class.
Please clear browser cache and review the site now :)
/*Page bg color*/
.html_stretched.html_entry_id_303 #wrap_all {
background-color: #C62F2F!important;
Best regards,
Thank you! :) Its work! :)