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  • #612182

    I ma trying to setup a login theme on Enfold but for some reason, after setting everything up, it does not appear on any menu of my site. Where do I find it and how can I see it on may main top menu? And how can I personalize the profile page by adding voices as age, nationality, etc. I am working at a blog where comments are the most important part.
    Thank you



    Hey Blogintervista,

    You can edit the menus under Appearance–>Menus, please make sure that Enfold Main Menu is checked at the bottom of the page. If you should need any further help then please post admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Rikard.

    Hi, thank you for your reply. Mi problem is actually that I cannot find the Login page to add on my menu. I have a LOGIN page in my pages, but it is empty and I don’t know where I can find the page that I’ve created and set so I can choose in which menu to put it. It is absurd, I do all the settings but the page is a ghost!

    By the way, which is the best plugin that allows me to add entries? I want my users to say more about themselves. Thank you



    I’m not sure what you mean by that to be honest, I can’t see any other pages then home and about under your pages? It looks like you haven’t created a menu either so the theme will list your pages by default if you haven’t made any selections yourself.


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