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  • #608549

    I am getting what looks to be the main menu container when the site goes to mobile, tablets and phones. The main menu is hidden, but its container shows as white space bordered top and bottom by thin gray lines. I can’t find what it is.

    I need to hide this as it messes up the layout and shoves everythinhg down—especiall troublesome in the store—leaving excess white space exaggerated on mobile as the screen gets smaller.

    Here is a screenshot of an ipad-2 showing the issue.

    What CSS can I use to hide this below tablet size?

    Thank you.

    – Michael



    Try adding this code to the Quick CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 989px) {
        .html_header_top.html_header_sticky #top #wrap_all #main {
            padding-top: 153px;




    Thanks for the response. Sadly, that didn’t do it.

    I did further testing and see that the extra space is occurring between 990px and 768px. Once it hits 768 the space reduces, the logo size increases and it looks OK. I looked through all my custom CSS and tried a few things, but I don’t have anything that touches that—so I assume it’s in the Enfold responsive mobile menu CSS. Whatever happens at 768px reduces that space. On the desktop it’s almost 1″.

    Any ideas?



    Can you please create me a WordPress administrator account? post it here as a private reply.



    Here it is.

    I am making the site live right now and will take about 3-hours—be careful the clients are rivetd to the site today. I have managed to handle all issues for mobile with extensive CSS, except this one. SO I hope you can help. I just can’t tell what that space is and can’t see anything in web inspector.


    – Michael



    Check it now, there were some typos in your Quick CSS.



    It looks very much better. Little things make a big difference on mobile.

    Thank you very much for your help—sorry for the typos.

    – Michael


    You are welcome Michael, glad to help :)


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