I want to modify the breadcrumbs PHP file (I am trying to exclude the woocommerce default shop page from the breadcrumb as this page is difficult to style).
I am using a child theme.
If I place my modified class-breadcrumbs file into an identical folder structure in my child theme it doesnt work.
How can I get enfold to use my custom PHP file in my child theme and ignore the one in the parent enfold theme?
Thanks :)
Hi byteben!
Please check out this video
Make sure the path is correct and include the exact files path… When you don’t wordpress will only recognize some files like header.php, footer.php etc
Parent Theme > file
Child Theme > file
Parent Theme > folder / file
Child Theme > folder / file
Please refer to https://wordpress.org/support/topic/overriding-parent-theme-sub-files-with-a-child-theme-how for more details.
Detailed info here https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/advanced-topics/child-themes/
Best regards,
Hey guys,
I did exactly what the video said with the class-breadcrumb.php, but still the original one is chosen over the one in my childtheme…
I have the file in childtheme/framework/php/, so the path is correct.
All i wanted to do is chnage the max-length of the title displayed from 70 to 30, but when i change it back in the original theme, its back to 70, even though i changed it to 30 in the childtheme…
How come this wont work?
Please add following code to functions.php file of your child theme instead
add_filter('avia_breadcrumbs_args', 'avia_change_bc_truncate', 50, 1);
function avia_change_bc_truncate($args){
$args['truncate'] = 30;
return $args;
Best regards,
Thanks Yigit!
But can you tell me why the childtheme wont work? I mean it’s solved, but just so i know…