On this page , using Gravity Forms, what should be + signs are showing as gray boxes, instead. They worked fine before we changed to Enfold theme.
There are some at the bottom (it’s what looks like a gray box now; it should be a + sign.
Please list the qualities that your ideal dog would have, in order of importance (most to least):
Add a row
(click + to add new rows)
this is the rule that is no longer working: img.add_list_item {
background-image: url(…R2LTk2aC05NnYtNjRoOTZ2LTk2aDY0djk2aDk2djY0aC05NnY5NnoiPjwvcGF0aD48L3N2Zz4=);
Hi gharding!
Please share the link to the page where we can inspect the element in question then we will be able to help you with custom CSS :)
Best regards,
Vinay Kashyap
The colors are not coming from the theme it is an SVG image which is a + sign inside a circle. But the gravity form css is showing it as a blank image.
please go ahead and de-activate the plugin and re-activate it. If the issue still persist please backup plugin settings and reinstall the plugin. If still no luck then we would like to hear what the plugin author has to say about it.
Best regards,
Vinay Kashyap
do you know how I could set my own symbol for that + sign instead of calling the SVG thing?
I have figured this out–Jetpack was the issue.
The form looks great now! Glad you got it sorted :)
Vinay Kashyap