Tagged: breadcrumbs
Hi guys,
This is the first time I am using Enfold in combination with the left sidebar layout and I run into a few issues. Since you always ask for different topics I will create these. I hope you will be able to revert soonest possible, as this website needs to be launched soon…
1) Obviously with left sidebar layout you don’t get any header options. How can I get the breadcrumbs to work with this layout?
Thanks & regards,
Hi Monique!
Title bar is disabled on side menu option by default. Please consider using a plugin such as this one – https://wordpress.org/plugins/breadcrumb-navxt/
Best regards,
Hi Yigit,
I find it a bit strange that title bar (incl. breadcrumbs!) is disabled on left sidebar layout by default and that there is no topion to switch it on… :-(
I will discuss with my client what he wants.
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