Tagged: preview image
February 23, 2016 at 8:51 am #587579
Is there a way to treat the image of a blog excerpt different from the one that shows up in the post? They both are coming from the featured image and I have tried to use CSS to exclude the image from showing on the post and only on the blog excerpt, but it didn’t work as both did not show. I used CSS to make the overlay and hover white so it affectively hides them, and used a code I found in the forum to remove the link, but I would rather just exclude the one in the post so I can keep the link for the image on the blog post excerpt.
Any help you can give would be very appreciated!! Here is the link to dev site I’m working on: http://hriver.roxcap.com/
Here is the code I used to do the above work-around:
/* removes color from blog preview image overlay/hover */
.main_color .small-preview {background-color: #ffffff;}
.main_color .small-preview:hover {background-color: #ffffff;}/* removes link from blog preview image overlay/hover */
.small-preview {
pointer-events: none;
}Thanks!! Jennifer
February 24, 2016 at 7:12 am #588175Hi Jennifer,
You mean that you don’t want the image which is showing on the front page in the news section to show in the actual post, right? That is what happening on my end anyway. I might have misunderstood you so please try to explain a bit further if I have.
Best regards,
RikardFebruary 24, 2016 at 6:16 pm #588569Hi Rikard,
Yes, I used custom CSS to eliminate the link to the preview images and then added CSS to turn the overlays white, so it is a work-around, my question is: Is there a way to have different action for the preview image in the excerpt and for the one that shows on the post. I suspect this is not possible as both images are being pulled from the Featured Image for the post, but wanted to be sure there was not a way to treat each instance separately.
JenniferFebruary 27, 2016 at 8:27 am #590186 -
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