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  • #578486

    I’ve got a wordpress site since a couple of years, but am on turn moving to the freshly purchased Enfold theme.
    I love many features of Enfold, but I’m not glad with the look & feel of the galleries. I’d prefer to use the Responsive Lightbox Plugin from (preferably with the Justified Gallery extension), but it doesn’t work up til now.
    What I’ve already tried:
    – disabling Lightbox Modal Window in Enfold Options
    – checking “Try to force lightbox for custom WP gallery replacements, like Jetpack tiled galleries” in the plugin options
    – changing the rel selector in the plugin options
    in all possible combinations.

    Unfortunately it doesn’t work at all. In every case I have disabled the Lightbox Modal Window, an image can be clicked, but opens in an empty window.

    Any suggestions how to fix this?

    Regards, Hella


    Hey Hella!

    Disabling lightbox and installing another as a standalone plugin should have worked just fine. Have you tried contacting plugin author as they should have better insight on what could be causing the issue?



    Hey Yigit,

    thanks for your quick reply!
    I’ve had no contact with the plugin authors yet, but I’ve found a thread concerning a similar issue:

    Is the position for disabling the theme lightbox I mentioned above the right one?
    Which is the gallery selector of the theme?



    Hi Hella!

    Yes, you are following the correct path to disable theme’s lightbox. Your lightbox plugin should work out of the box once you disable theme’s built in one.

    You can also try enabling built in lightbox, then going to Enfold/js/avia.js via FTP and edit the file and find

    exclude			:	'.noLightbox, .noLightbox a, .fakeLightbox, .lightbox-added, a[href*=""]',

    and change it to

    exclude			:	'.your-custom-class, .your-custom-class a, .noLightbox, .noLightbox a, .fakeLightbox, .lightbox-added, a[href*=""]',

    then turn on custom CSS field for ALB elements – and give your gallery elements a custom CSS class and change “your-custom-class” in the code above to your custom class



    Hey Yigit,

    thanks for your efforts. Does this also work for the masonry galleries?
    There are unfortunately very limited possibilities for styling, e.g. no input field vor custom css.

    I’ve tested now your suggestions, but there’s no change: Having the modal lightbox of the theme enabled, clicking on the image results in duplicated lightboxes, disabling the theme lightbox opens the plain image without any lightbox effect at all in the browser window.

    I’ve tested this also with other lightbox plugins, but the problem remains. Also disabling all other installed plugins doesn’t change anything. So I think, it’s not a plugin issue, but a theme issue – or a stupid bug of my own.

    May I provide you access to my admin page, that you might have a look into it?


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by come_paglia. Reason: status update


    Please create a mockup of how you need the end result to look like and share with us a temporary admin access in private content with permission to deactivate all plugins and add custom code if necessary to help you better.

    Enfold gallery is highly customizable with some extra css. Please take a look at the link in private the gallery was built using enfold inbuilt options. If you like something like that we can help you setup a similar one.

    let us know what you think.

    Vinay Kashyap


    Hey Vinnie,

    thanks for your reply. I decided to use another plugin (Justified Image Grid), and most of the there enclosed lightbos types work with enfold.
    I’m glad to see how much the theme can be customized. I’ll come back in other threads concerning css questions.




    Glad you figured it out!
    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here –
    And if there are features that you wish Enfold had, you can request them and vote the requested ones here –
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to post them here on the forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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