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  • #573757


    I cannot get the blog page to work as I want it to. I want it to show an excerpt like on a typical archive page. But instead, it shows the full text of the post.
    Selecting “Single author…” The only way to present it correctly is to use the “Grid layout”, which displays a 3-column layout.

    My previous steps:
    – I assigned a page to be the blog page.
    – I tried the “advanced layout” option in “Blog layout”
    – I inserted a blog content item using the advanced editor in the “blog” page and adapted the settings
    No result, no changes.

    The only way it displays like an archive page is if I select the “grid” layout in the Enfold settings. Making changes in the page itself does not do anything.

    What am I doing wrong? What must I do to get a list of posts with a small/big preview image and a short excerpt of the post (or the first couple of lines) and a “Read more link?”



    The provided access didn’t work, try selecting this setting –



    Hi Josue

    Sorry, I sent the wrong login. The login above now works (same user and password). Should login no problem.

    I tried what you suggested. No luck.



    Using the ‘read more’ separator seems to do the trick (check the 2nd post) –

    Best regards,


    I love you! :) Thanks for that!


    You are welcome, glad to help :)


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