January 18, 2016 at 1:49 pm #567208
Hi Guys,
Wondering if there is any progress on resolving Windows Phone (stock browser) fixed background issue?
January 19, 2016 at 1:18 pm #567810I note for other mobile devices the html tag has a class added – eg avia-android / avia-ipad – is this also the case for IE Mobile?
Thinking it may be possible to override the section background behavior (force to scroll) using the device class identifier.
January 20, 2016 at 6:19 pm #568796Well I’ve tried applying a media query to force backgrounds to scroll below a viewport width:
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
.avia-bg-style-fixed, avia-bg-style-parallax {
background-attachment: scroll !important;}}While this behaves as expected on the desktop it seems to be being ignored on IE Mobile / Windows Phone and the bug persists.
It would be really great to get some sort of update from the Enfold team – or indeed any sort of response to this request – even just sharing a clue or two as to possible reasons for the bug that I can work on or pay a Windows Phone dev to try and resolve.
At the end of the day, having trialed everything from X theme to stand alone page builders, I keep coming back to Enfold as it really is the best of the bunch in so many ways.
But my clients are businesses with a B2B audience and Windows Phone has a 25% enterprise market share in the UK and other EU countries so I can’t simply ignore it, quote minuscule global consumer penetration stats, or advise them to get an iPhone.
Any response greatly appreciated. Many Thanks.
January 22, 2016 at 2:19 am #569679Hi!
I’ve tagged Kriesi to this topic.
JosueJanuary 26, 2016 at 1:49 pm #572079Hi Kriesi – Info in private content.
February 17, 2016 at 10:05 am #584545Have you had a follow up on this M1000000?
I’m gutted that there is no solution for this… :(
February 17, 2016 at 12:49 pm #584647Hi Wizard247 – I’m afraid my polite pleas for information or any sort of guidance to support an independent investigation into what I consider a fundamental and major issue with Enfold have been met with silence (which in itself raises alarms on a support forum).
In response to your post on the other thread (http://goo.gl/K55qlT):
I too only found out the hard way after assuming that a leading theme in 2016 would have mobile covered – and without Win Phone support it is not a mobile friendly theme IMHO. I agree – there should be a big red flag on the sales page warning of this.
In terms of your options:
As far as I can tell from a Windows Phone search on these forums they have been aware of this for at least two years – initially responses were along the lines of “we don’t have a Win Phone to test on” which evolved to “Windows Phone is not officially supported yet, we’re working on this, please be patient” before ending on “we don’t support Windows Phone and don’t say anywhere that we do”. Well you don’t say anywhere that you don’t either!
So I don’t think you will find an earlier version of the theme that will work (and there are numerous reasons – from security to compatibility – you should not do this anyway).
In terms of a fix – I spent a week of developer time everything from simple css to js browser sniffing to resolve the background issue without success. For whatever reason Win Phone is not falling back to the Avia mobile styling as it should but without any support from the people who wrote the code here we were simply unable to proceed further.
Whether or not Kriesi and team are taking this seriously, actively looking into it, or are planning to address it anytime soon is anybody’s guess as they will provide no information here. My guess would be that, having ignored Win Phone for so long hoping it would just go away, they have been left with a low level conflict in the core Avia builder code and that a fix would cause disruption to their wider user base – but I sincerely hope that I am wrong.
So without any transparency or support for this issue I’m afraid my advice would be that you need to look elsewhere if business users with windows phones (and that’s a whopping 25% here in the UK) are in your audience. Which doesn’t help you much at this point I know.
As far as I am aware Enfold is the only major theme / framework with this issue. I can confirm that X theme, Divi builder from Elegant themes, and Beaver Builder all play well with Win Phone but there will be a learning curve and a ground up rebuild will be required.
The irony is that Enfold excels at what it does – for example a full width background section with equal height columns with content independent vertical centering is impossible to achieve with X (would you believe) – it’s just the catastrophic failure on Win Phone makes it a hard to recommend as a mobile friendly platform in 2016.
You may wish to start your own thread for support on this – who knows, you may get further than I did and it can’t do any harm to join the ranks of previous customers who have flagged this issue.
I wish you all the best with it. M
Note: Given the advanced stage of your development I would stick to scrolling backgrounds and not use layerslider (using win phone compatibility as excuse) to get the site launched in an acceptable form whilst researching and rebuilding in the background on alternative mobile friendly platform.
February 17, 2016 at 4:02 pm #584793This is an interesting topic. Here are my thoughts.
Customer Thoughts: I’m in the same boat as you. However, even as a IT consultant and Microsoft Partner, I have never seen a Windows Phone being used in day-to-day scenarios. To me, you take a risk when you purchase items that make up only 25% of only of a specific market. Hell, even if Windows Phone had 25% of the World Market, that is still a risk. Everyone knows that it’s iPhone or Android these days. I’ve hitched my wagon to Microsoft my entire career…but would not use a Windows Phone if it was given to me as a gift. Regardless, I agree that the Enfold theme should clearly disclose issues of this caliber on Sales materials. All theme vendors should. It would go a long way if Enfold would just be transparent. Enfold support is amazing, but falls short on this particular topic. The evidence of that has been shown in the various threads related to this topic over the years. 1.) On Sales materials, state that Windows Phone (default browser) is not supported with Enfold 2.) In support forum, state something to similar to “Enfold does not support fully-support (list what items are not supported) for the Windows Phone (default browser) at this time. There are/are no/ plans to support this in the future.”
Vendor Thoughts: Disclaimer: I’m not a theme dev, just an IT professional that uses Enfold heavily. Windows Phone is in a big flux right now. Meaning, the platform is trying to phase out IE and bring in Edge. I would think this would cause theme vendors to press pause on any development/support for the current state of the Windows Phones. However, if theme developers could get their hands on a Microsoft Edge/Windows Phone environment, they could be coding and testing to stay ahead of the curve. I don’t even know if this is possible, but it’s a thought. Maybe there is an online sandbox where DEVS can test their code against Microsoft Edge.? If, as a DEV, you need to get your hands on the physical device…that’s a downfall in this day in age.
As a side note, it looks like there is still a fight to get Chrome available on Windows Phones.
February 17, 2016 at 5:49 pm #584865Hi Rlogan – good points well made.
On customer thoughts – agree entirely. Think I have only ever seen 1 windows phone in the wild – but I have had 60+ complaints from two sites built on Enfold. Both business / corporate sites and both with a primarily UK/EU audience (where it only takes 500 visitors for the site to fail for 120 of them).
I, as seems to be the case with others here, assumed that a market leading theme like Enfold would have mobile covered out of the box (as the rest of the players in this space do) and when I my first user complaints came in 5-6 months ago the response on this forum was “we’re working on this, please be patient”.
Had the issue been made clear I, for one, would have moved right on as I primarily build business / enterprise sites for which proper mobile support is a fundamental requirement / assumption (just takes one exec at the client with a Win Phone to spoil the party).
So stating clearly that Enfold fails on Windows Phones and that they are entirely unsupported or clarifying the unsupported elements at a pre sales point as you suggest is a must. Without it customers are going to continue to develop sites on Enfold only to run into this issue during the production cycle or post launch costing them time, money and credibility. They may quite rightly feel a little peeved as a result.
On Vendor thoughts – afraid not fond of MS – they have been a thorn in the side of web developers for as long as I can remember and catering to the unique requirements of their browsers is something we’ve all had to deal with at one time or another.
Having spent some time on this I can confirm that debugging mobile IE is a real pain – no code view / debugging support available on traditional testing platforms like browserstack so short of fumbling in the dark the only option seems to be getting hold of a physical device and installing a view source app. Even then hardly a debugging tool but an idea of how the code is rendering is at least a start. Not sure if other tools exist for members of MSDN (or whatever they call it these days).
At the end of the day we buy in to platforms like Enfold to simplify the development process and it is the responsibility of the theme developers (who after all make a lot of money from them) to stay ahead of browser curves imho. I’m too busy selling their products, bundled with my time, to clients whom I want to be happy with the result.
It may be that Enfold’s business model is geared towards small business owners building a single site – if your site gets 10 hits a week you may not be too bothered about the 0.3 visitors who cannot use it – and is not geared towards developers at all. If that is the case I think they are missing a big opportunity (I for one would be happy to pay a premium for developer as opposed to consumer support).
But what we really need right now, Kriesi please, is either a solution, an announcement that a fix scheduled for the next release, or a categorical statement that Enfold is not, and will never be, compatible with Windows Phone default browser so that we can make an informed decision as to whether to hold on or move on without further delay.
February 17, 2016 at 11:24 pm #585011Thanks rlogan2334 and M1000000 for your extensive comments. Agree on all of your points – the most disappointing aspect of this is the silence of Enfold developers. Whilst I agree that support on this forum has always been above and beyond – you used to see this kind of support on X-theme forum as well, but they have cut back considerably on the amount of “free css” they will hand out – which is one of the reasons I use Enfold. As well as the fact that customers find it easy to use and yes, those beautifully equalised columns!
Has anyone tried to solve the issue by installing WPTouch and replacing the elements that seem to cause an issue? Not sure if this will work at all… As far as I know it is mostly the LayerSlider, Fixed and Parallax backgrounds. Not having a Windows Phone to test on myself, makes this process quite laborious.
February 25, 2016 at 5:54 am #588756Hey!
We are very sorry for the delay. We have created a workaround for those sections with parallax backgrounds. You can test it on your installations: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/issue-with-enfold-one-page-restaurant-demo-on-mobile/#post-585906
IsmaelMarch 15, 2016 at 5:22 pm #598503Hey Guys!
I am afraid that I cant make a statement (even after such a long time, for which I apologize ) that tells with absolute certainty how we will handle this problem. I think I literally asked every person I know if they got a Windows Mobile Phone, which allows me to test the site. And the answer was always the same: no. What I will do now is buy one of the phones online, test it for a few days and then return it. I am simply not willing to invest any money into this dying eco system I am afraid. If I can solve the issues within the few days I got the phone I will include the fixes in the next update.
One thing I would like to notice is that, other than with desktop related browser, the chance that an issue is not fixable is a lot higher. I had to experience this on firefox for android which works in such a different way than all the other mobile browsers that we simply had to drop support after 2 releases. Fixing those issues would haven taken weeks and there is a point were its not worth the effort, if you take teh low market share into account. The same might happen here, thats why I cant give any final statement (yet)
I will post again in this thread after I received my new phone :P
KriesiMarch 15, 2016 at 5:27 pm #598507Hello. I care less about the Windows Phone support and more about Enfold’s next major update. I’m really hoping the Windows Phone issue does not influence the timing of the next release. I’ve had multiple clients not allow me to use Enfold because of the gap in releases. Please don’t shoot the messenger…it’s just something that’s really happening/being said in the field.
March 15, 2016 at 5:33 pm #598510Hey!
Since I cant tell how long it will take to fix the windows issue I will not postpone the 3.5 release any further, its been too long for me as well. Making all the demos simply takes too much time ;D
3.5 will be released at the end of the week and if I am able to fix the Windows issues they will be added to one of the minor releases in the near future
Best regards,
KriesiPS: Nokia Lumia already ordered :P
March 15, 2016 at 5:45 pm #598514Hey Kriesi,
Thanks for your comments – really do completely understand your position on this. Windows Phone is pain – to use and to debug. I too asked around and found none with colleagues or friends – the only people that seem to have them are clients (who have had them forced upon them I suspect).
The only point I would make is that the difference between IE on Win Phone and a third party browser like FF for Android is that it is the default browser on a mobile OS rather than a choice the user has made. I would certainly not expect third party browser support on mobile from a framework as feature rich and friendly as yours but I, and it seems others, had made the assumption that the default Win Phone browser would be covered.
I am happy that you are prepared to take a look at Win Phone issues on a case by case basis – this is reassuring and is very much appreciated.
Thanks too to Ismael for his input and solution! The parallax background fix works and just awaiting similar for fixed backgrounds (these are the only client reports of issues I have had). I have not seen this, or any other problems, with elements like the full width slider and although another user has mentioned Layerslider may have issues it tests ok in my implementations, so my confidence is restored.
PS I would say that I hope you enjoy your new Windows Phone but, from my own limited experience with it, I’m pretty sure you won’t ;)
March 15, 2016 at 6:09 pm #598524PS I would say that I hope you enjoy your new Windows Phone but, from my own limited experience with it, I’m pretty sure you won’t ;)
Haha, I am afraid that might be true but never say never :P
March 22, 2016 at 6:49 pm #602069Hey!
Got my Nokia Phone 2 days ago and was able to do a few tests. It did take a while but surprisingly there might a super simple fix. Just wanted to ask you if you can check for me, since it works perfectly fine on my lumia and also does not affect my iOS phones.
In shortcodes.css in line 248 change
.avia_mobile #top .av-parallax{position: fixed; z-index: -10;}
.avia_mobile #top .av-parallax{position: absolute; z-index: -10;}
This actually solves all the fixed bg problems for me. would be glad if you could try this. (please try without the modification javascript added earlier and also make sure to clear your browser cache first)
KriesiMarch 22, 2016 at 10:35 pm #602193Will test tonight!
March 22, 2016 at 10:56 pm #602212Nailed it! Created mixed page of multiple fixed and parallax backgrounds on original demo (url private below) and all revert to scroll on Browserstack WinPhone emulations! Have not tested across Android / iOS yet but hopes are high.
Big thanks mate!
PS how are you debugging on Win Phone – are their any handy browser tools?
March 22, 2016 at 11:00 pm #602217Hey!
Enfold 3.5.1 is already on ThemeForest which includes the fix Kriesi added for Windows phones :)
I will ask Kriesi to check the thread once again to let you know if he used any browser tools.Best regards,
YigitMarch 22, 2016 at 11:07 pm #602219Tests OK on:
5s iOS 8
6 iOS 8
6s iOS9iPad4 iOS 7
iPad Air2 iOS8Nexus 5 – 4.4
Nexus 6 – 5
Nexus 6 – 6
Galaxy s6- 6Safari 9 – El Capitain
IE11 & Edge – Win10
IE10 – Win8That’ll do me :)
March 22, 2016 at 11:15 pm #602222Thank Yigit – even better!
March 22, 2016 at 11:46 pm #602228Hi!
I used no browser tools, at least not on windows. (There probably are some but I was really to lazy to set up a full test environment ) The approach I took was to remove mobile specific rules from the css and checked on iOS at which time it started behaving the same way. I then tried to apply different fixes to the CSS and checked on iOS and Windows Mobile at the same time. Thats when I noticed that there is a simple solution that fixes the problem on all platforms.
Basically good old trial and error testing ;D
KriesiMarch 22, 2016 at 11:48 pm #602229Nothing wrong with that! Thanks again.
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