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  • #564234

    Hi there,

    I’m working on my new webpage. Is a German Webpage.
    And I got trouble with the Avia Layout Architekt. Is totally confussing.

    Everything worked fine for just a few hours and I built the half of my page.

    Now I want to create a Gallery, and it works. Everything is fine, but a few minutes later after I put a few new elements under the Gallery, everything under the Gallery and the Gallery is gone.
    I tried to used old revisions a hundred times, but it won’t work. Everytime the same problem. A few hours ago I had the same problem at an other point. I designed the whole page new, and it worked. Now I tried the same, but it doesn’t work. But it also happens on an other point at the pagebuilder…

    I don’t know what I should do… I’m almost finished and would be finished hours ago…

    Who can help me?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by akamo27.

    Hi akamo27!

    It looks like your using Enfold 3.3.2. You’ll need to update to the latest version, 3.4.7.

    If your adding code into the page as a codeblock / textblock element then try deleting those elements first and save to see if it’s a problem with your code.



    Hey Elliott, thanks for your responds.
    I did the update, but it still the same problem.

    I don’t understand what you mean with the adding code into the page. And what should I delete? Those elements are not there anymore.

    I’m not good in coding or programming stuff. Without the Layout Architekt, I can’t do nothing.

    Still an idea or what I can do?



    Hi there,

    What`s wrong now? Everytime I put a color section in, everything deletes after I puplish the color section.

    I tried to fix it and after I decided to do everything new, it worked again. Now I finished my webpage and I would like to do anchors at the onepager. But there is the problem now. I forgot to put everything in color sections to make anchors. So I put the color sections in and put all elements in the section like it should be. After publishing it, the same happens what I had yesterday. All elements after the color section I put in are gone.

    What`s wrong. How it could be so annoying to work with wordpres…? Usually everything works fine.

    Please help me fast… My clients are waiting for the new webpage..

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by akamo27.


    Can you please create a testing page ( You can save your page as a template and then create another page and load the same content on your page using that template – ( on the right side to save whole page as a template )) and then post admin logins here privately so we can look into it?



    Hi Yigit,

    thanks for your respond.

    The admin login is in the Private content.
    Thx for looking in.

    Best regards,




    I’m not sure why you had those problems but I’m guessing unclosed html markup somewhere, example of properly closed html markup:

    <strong>Bold text closed properly</strong>

    I added a color section to the bottom of your test page and published it and everything seems to work as expected. Did I miss a step maybe?



    Hi Rikard,

    I don’t have the problem when I put the color sektion or any other element at the bottom. I only have it, when I put it sonewhere between the existing elements.

    For example: You put a color sektion after the fullwidth slider and add in this color sektion two colums 3/5 and 2/5. Then you move the following existing easy slider in the 3/5 column and rhe headline and textblock in the 2/5 column. After publishing and a few minutes later everything following elements and the new color sektion with the elements you moved in, will be deleted.

    That’s only an example. You could do it between any existing elements.

    I tries it on 3 different browsers and different computers. Everytime the same problem.

    Can you try it again please.
    Don’t know what I should do…

    Best regads



    Hi Adam,

    I moved the 3/5 easy slider section and the 2/5 section into a color section and it seems to be working fine. There seems to be a small graphic glitch going on in the builder, a color section which is not there is displaying, but the page seems to be displaying as it should. I would try to recreate the page and try to check as often as possible if anything is breaking. Also, please be aware of any html markup you are adding is being closed properly.




    I tried it at the “home” page and the “unhaltbar” page. Still the same problems.
    It doesn`t matter on which computer I’m doing it.

    Maybe you can have a look at the revisions on the “unhaltbar” page and maybe find the problem there.

    The solution can’t be to recreate the whole page. What should I do in the future, when I put much more work into it. Recreate again? No, this can’t be the solution.

    I also can make a video and send it to you, then you can see what I mean, but please have a look in the revisions. I’m very upset and annoyed. I can’t win new customers for my service without the page. So, please help me to fix it!




    I followed the steps you previously wrote and there was nothing disappearing so yes, a video of the problem might help us understand better.

    Best regards,

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